EFG and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Partners in artistic expression since 2001

Peggy Guggenheim: An icon of entrepreneurial thinking

A self-described “art addict”, Peggy Guggenheim sought to distinguish herself from her corporate and business-oriented relatives and make her unique mark on the world through collecting and pioneering art that challenged conventions and shaped the future.

When in 1938, Peggy opened her first art gallery in London, called Guggenheim Jeune, she was beginning, at 39 years old, a career which would significantly affect the course of post-war art.

Innovative, future-forward and provocative, Peggy’s collections, galleries, and museum remain stamped with her distinct tastes and style today.

Reflecting our interest in the evolution of artistic and cultural expression, we have partnered with the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice (PGC) since 2001.

About the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

PGC is one of the most prestigious art collections in the world. Housed in her former home, in the stunning Palazzo Venier dei Leoni on the Grand Canal in Venice, the collection features work by some of the most ground breaking artists of the 20th century. 

Always with an eye to the innovative, to that which challenges the status quo, it features major works of Cubism, Futurism, Metaphysical painting, European abstraction, avant-garde sculpture, Surrealism and American Abstract Expressionism. 

The museum also contains Peggy Guggenheim’s personal collection - the art that spoke most deeply to her sense of aesthetic innovation and crativity - masterpieces from the Hannelore B. and Rudolph B. Schulhof collection, and a sculpture garden.  

“ I took advice from none but the best. I listened, how I listened! That’s how I finally became my own expert. ”

Peggy Guggenheim

It all starts with a conversation

Let's start ours and build something valuable today.

Contact us
  • EFG Capital International Corp
    701 Brickell Avenue, Ninth Floor,
    Suite 1350, Miami - FL 33131
  • +1 305 482 8000