Document | Download |
2023 Pillar III Disclosures | |
2022 Pillar III Disclosures | |
2021 Pillar III Disclosures |
Luxembourg legal information
Pillar 3
Audited financial statements
Document | Download |
Financial Statement 2023 English (original) ¦ Portuguese (true translation) | |
Financial Statement 2022 English (original) ¦ Portuguese (true translation) | |
Financial Statement 2021 English (original) ¦ Portuguese (true translation) | |
Financial Statement 2020 English (original) ¦ Portuguese (true translation) | |
Financial Statement 2019 English (original) ¦ Portuguese (true translation) |
Document | Download |
New Fee Schedule 2024 | |
Document d’information tarifaire | |
Discretionary Management Mandate Benchmarks | |
Glossaire |
La Banque se réserve le droit de modifier ses tarifs et conditions à tout moment et sans préavis. Demandez les Tarifs et conditions en vigueur à votre Client Relationship Officer.
Protection des investisseurs
Se tenir au courant des évolutions juridiques et vous offrir une protection adéquate en tant qu'investisseur fait partie de nos préoccupations principales.
Vous fournir un service adapté et fiable est toujours au centre de nos préoccupations et, pour cette raison, nous souhaitons vous informer de l'impact de la directive européenne 2014/65 (« MiFID II ») sur notre relation bancaire.
L'objectif de MiFID II est d'améliorer votre protection, lorsque vous investissez dans des instruments financiers, à travers quatre piliers majeurs, à savoir :
- renforcer la protection des investisseurs
- accroître la transparence envers les investisseurs
- renforcement de la gouvernance d’entreprise et des contrôles internes
- l'amélioration de la structure des marchés financiers.
D'un point de vue pratique, l'application de MiFID II implique un niveau accru d'information, de protection et de transparence, ce qui entraîne des processus d'investissement et des rapports différents, en fonction du type de services que vous demandez à recevoir de notre Banque.
Plus précisément :
Si vous prenez vos propres décisions d'investissement, chaque fois que vous initiez un investissement, vous recevez :
- une information détaillée sur le produit et ses risques incorporés (KID - « Key Information Document »), s'il s'agit d'un produit structuré, d'un dérivé ou d'un fonds d’investissement ;
- un avertissement pré-négociation sur la pertinence du produit, s'il est considéré comme complexe et non conforme à vos connaissances et à votre expérience des produits financiers ;
- les informations susmentionnées vous permettent de confirmer ou d'annuler votre décision d'investissement avec un niveau approprié de connaissance des risques ;
- la Banque n'exécutera vos instructions d'investissement qu'après votre validation ;
- en cas d'investissements dans des produits à haut niveau de risque (instruments financiers à effet de levier ou autres opérations de passif éventuel), vous êtes également informé si leur valeur diminue de plus de 10% (et tout multiple supplémentaire de 10%).
Si vous entrez dans un Mandat de Conseil, à chaque fois que notre Banque vous fait une recommandation (achat, vente ou conservation):
- vous recevez un rapport pré-transaction sur l'adéquation de la recommandation par rapport à votre profil de risque et à votre stratégie d'investissement
- ce rapport vous permet de confirmer ou non l'exécution de la recommandation avec une connaissance appropriée des effets que la recommandation aura sur l'ensemble de votre portefeuille
- la Banque ne procède à l'exécution de la transaction proposée le cas échéant qu'après votre validation.
Dans le cas où vous concluez un mandat de gestion discrétionnaire, vous recevez périodiquement :
- une évaluation de l'adéquation de votre portefeuille par rapport à votre profil de risque et votre stratégie d'investissement ainsi qu'une comparaison avec des indices de référence pertinents
- une notification formelle en cas de diminution de la valeur totale de votre portefeuille de plus de 10% (et tout multiple supplémentaire de 10%).
Notre banque a adopté les exigences de la présente directive dans son processus d'investissement afin de garantir que vos investissements sont conformes à votre profil de risque et à votre stratégie d'investissement.
Dans le cadre de MiFID II, notre Banque a choisi d'agir en tant que « Conseiller non indépendant », ce qui signifie que nous pouvons fournir des services de conseil sur les produits financiers émis ou fournis par des entités qui ont des liens étroits avec notre Banque.
Notre Banque s'engage à respecter les normes de transparence et d'information les plus strictes créées par la présente directive. Cela comprend la production d'un rapport annuel détaillant tous les coûts et charges liés aux services d'investissement acquis de la Banque, les produits d'investissement eux-mêmes et les éventuels paiements de tiers. Par ailleurs, la Banque publie annuellement une liste des cinq moyens d'exécution les plus utilisés lors de l'exécution des ordres clients.
Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations sur MiFID II, n'hésitez pas à contacter votre Chargé de Relations Clients.
MiFID II Documents
Document | Download |
RTS 28 disclosure | |
RTS28 - 2021 | |
RTS28 - 2022 | |
Information sur le traitement des ordres et la politique de meilleure exécution | |
Information sur la politique de conflits d'intérêts (Anglais) | |
Annex to Sustainability Preferences Questionnaire 2022 | |
ESG Practical Guide to the Sustainability Preferences Questionnaire 2022 |
En application de l'article 11, paragraphe 11, du règlement (UE) 648/2012 et de l'article 20 du règlement délégué (UE) n° 149/2013 de la Commission, EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. publie la liste des relations pour lesquelles une exemption intragroupe de l'échange bilatéral de marges a été accordée par le régulateur luxembourgeois compétent, la CSSF.
Document | Download |
Informations sur l'exemption intragroupe EMIR |
La Directive sur les Services de Paiement (PSD) établit des règles légales afin de fournir un accès efficace et non-discriminatoire aux utilisateurs des services de paiement. Les objectifs clés de la PSD sont l'harmonisation des services de paiement afin d'obtenir un marché unique dans l'Espace Economique Européen (EEE), une plus grande transparence et une sécurité accrue pour les clients.
N'hésitez pas à contacter votre Client Relationship Officer (CRO) pour toute question supplémentaire à ce sujet.
Document | Download |
Dispositions spéciales pour les services de paiement |
Afin de permettre à tous types d'investisseurs de prendre des décisions averties et de comparer les fonds UCITS des différents états membres, la directive UCITS IV impose aux banques de mettre le Key Investor Information Document (KIID) à disposition des investisseurs. Ce document, formulé dans un style non technique et compréhensible, contient des informations pertinentes pour les fonds UCITS. Il remplace le prospectus simplifié à partir du 1er juillet 2012.
Les clients d'EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. peuvent accéder à la version la plus récente du KIID relatif à leur investissement personnel via ou via les sites des sociétés de gestion suivantes, par exemple en introduisant le code ISIN du fond concerné :
Aucune information contenue dans cette page ne doit être considérée comme une offre, une invitation à offrir ou une recommandation de conclure une transaction ou d'investir dans un fonds OPCVM ou tout autre instrument financier dans une juridiction quelconque. Aucune déclaration, garantie ou engagement, expresse ou implicite, n'est effectuée quant à l'exactitude ou l'exhaustivité des informations contenues dans les documents d'informations clés pour l'investisseur par EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. ou son personnel et ces personnes refusent toute responsabilité quant à l'exactitude de ces informations.
Pour toute question relative à cette information, n'hésitez pas à contacter votre chargé de relation.
Conditions générales
Document | Download |
Conditions générales et réglement de dépôt |
PSD2: Open Banking
PSD2 & Third Party Providers API Portal
La régulation PSD2 a été introduite par L’Autorité Bancaire Européenne afin de fournir une plateforme pour encourager l’innovation et la concurrence. Cette plateforme définit un cadre sécurisé de partage de données clients et permet notamment à des acteurs non-bancaires (les Third Party Providers) de fournir des services de paiements et de visualisation de compte, sous réserve d’un consentement préalable du client. Ces échanges d’informations entre les différents acteurs sont réalisés grâce à des API (« Application Programming Interfaces »).
Third Party Provider Portails
Dans le contexte de l’implémentation de cette directive, EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. propose aux Third Party Providers de tester ces différentes API en mettant à disposition un environnement de test accessible depuis le 14 mars 2019.
Si vous êtes un Third Party Provider autorisé par la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), merci de cliquer ici pour avoir accès à ce portail ou obtenir davantage d’informations à son propos.
Les statistiques concernant la performance et la disponibilité des différentes interfaces accessibles pour nos clients sont consultables ici.
PSD2: Open Banking - Statistiques
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les statistiques décrivant la performance et la disponibilité des différentes interfaces accessibles pour nos clients.
Veuillez prendre en considération les abréviations suivantes lors de votre lecture des différents rapports de statistiques.
- AIS – Account information service (services d’information sur les comptes)
- AISP – Account information service provider (prestataires de services d’information sur les comptes)
- CBPII – Card-based payment instrument issuer (émetteur d’un instrument de paiement lié à une carte)
- PIS – Payment initiation service (services d’initiation de paiement)
- PISP – Payment initiation service provider (prestataires de services d’initiation de paiement)
Ces statistiques sont mises à jour chaque trimestre conformément à l’article 32(4) du règlement délégué (UE) 2018/389 de la Commission.
01/07/24 – 30/09/24 (92 days) | eBanking | mBanking | PSD2 interface |
Downtime |
0 day 2h 23m |
0 day 1h 17m |
0 day 0h 0m |
Uptime |
91days 21h 37m |
91 days 22h 43m |
92 days |
Downtime. % |
0.11% |
0.06% |
0.00% |
Uptime, % |
99.89% |
99.94% |
100.00% |
Daily average time |
1815 ms |
284 ms |
Daily error response rate |
0.79% |
6.15% |
PSD2 interface
0 day 2h 23m
0 day 2h 33m
n/a -
0 day 1h 17m
n/a -
PSD2 interface
0 day 0h 0m
0 day 0h 0m
0 day 0h 0m
PSD2 interface
91days 21h 37m
91days 21h 27m
n/a -
91 days 22h 43m
n/a -
PSD2 interface
92 days
92 days
92 days
PSD2 interface
n/a -
n/a -
PSD2 interface
PSD2 interface
n/a -
n/a -
PSD2 interface
PSD2 interface
1815 ms
1106 ms
n/a -
284 ms
n/a -
PSD2 interface
PSD2 interface
n/a -
n/a -
PSD2 interface
Les rapports détaillés montrant ces indicateurs de performance et de disponibilité sur base quotidienne peuvent être téléchargés ici (PSD2 et eBanking/mobile banking)
Document | Download |
DAC6 |
Protection des dépôts
Document | Download |
Informations de base sur la protection des dépôts |
Terms and conditions documents
Document | Download |
Terms and conditions (Luxembourg) | |
EFG – List of Outsourcing 2024-2025 |
Enregistrement des conversations téléphoniques
A voice recording system has been implemented on fixed telephone lines of EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A.
The intended purpose of the system is to provide both counterparts with additional legal security with regard to negotiations, instructions or transactions. Recordings shall help to avoid and/or clarify misunderstandings or serve as a proof in case of litigation. As required by the Luxembourg personal data protection rules, the system and its implementation have been duly authorized by the relevant local authority, the CNPD (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données).
A dedicated telephone recording notice also informs you in this respect about the GDPR arrangements in this respect.
Document | Download |
EFG - Telephone recording notice |
Informations juridiques importantes
Ni offre ni conseil
Les informations figurant sur le site Web sont fournies à titre informatif uniquement et ne devraient en aucun cas être considérées comme une sollicitation ou une offre, ni comme un conseil ou une recommandation visant à acheter, vendre ou à opérer une transaction quelle qu’elle soit.
Les informations figurant sur le site Web ne constituent pas un prospectus au sens de l’Art. 652a et/ou de l’Art.1156 du Code suisse des obligations, ni de l’Art. 32 ff. du règlement de cotation de la Bourse suisse.
Les informations figurant sur le site Web ne constituent en aucun cas une sollicitation ou une offre, un conseil ou une recommandation visant l’achat, la vente ou toute opération dans tout pays où une telle offre ou sollicitation serait interdite.
Aucun des services, investissements ou fonds de placement indiqués sur le site ne sont proposés, et les prospectus les concernant ne seront pas distribués, aux personnes résidant dans tout Etat ou territoire où une telle distribution irait à l’encontre de la législation ou de la réglementation locale.
Avant de prendre toute décision d’investissement, l’investisseur devrait comprendre parfaitement les risques et les avantages économiques, ainsi que les particularités et les conséquences juridiques, fiscales et comptables de la transaction, et vérifier que l’investissement est conforme à ses objectifs et qu’il est en mesure d’en assumer le risque.
Avant de s’engager dans une transaction quelle qu’elle soit, il est conseillé aux investisseurs de faire appel à leur propre conseiller juridique, fiscal ou comptable professionnel, selon que de besoin. Toutes les décisions prises en matière d’investissements se fondent uniquement sur l’évaluation de l’investisseur.
Rendements / performance / liquidité
Les investisseurs potentiels devraient noter que les investissements peuvent comporter des risques importants et que leur valeur peut fluctuer à la baisse aussi bien qu’à la hausse.
Rien ne garantit que l’objectif de placement d’un produit quel qu’il soit sera atteint ou que des pertes substantielles ne seront pas subies.
Il n’y a aucune garantie quant à la performance des opérations et la performance passée ou anticipée ne constitue pas nécessairement un indicateur des résultats futurs.
Les informations et les données figurant sur ce site Web ont été obtenues de sources jugées fiables, mais ne sont pas garanties. Toutes les opinions exprimées sont susceptibles d’être modifiées sans préavis et ne constituent pas une garantie des événements à venir. Ni leur exactitude ni leur exhaustivité ne sont garanties et toute responsabilité, y compris au titre de dommages accessoires ou consécutifs suite à des erreurs ou omissions sur le présent site Web, est expressément déclinée.
Data privacy
EFG notification to clients and prospective clients
1. Introduction
EFG Entities are committed to protect your Personal Data by complying with bank-client confidentiality as well as data protection laws and regulations.
This Privacy Notice shall provide current and potential clients of EFG with an overview of how we process your Personal Data.
In this Privacy Notice “we” refers (as applicable) to any EFG entity belonging to the EFG Group, which must comply with the data protection legislation (“EFG Entities”).
This Privacy Notice applies to all clients and prospective clients of EFG Entities (“you”), who are subject to the provisions of any applicable data protection legislation. This Privacy Notice covers Personal Data that is held electronically and also applies to paper-based filling systems.
(a) Explanation of terms used in this Privacy Notice
Personal Data means information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).
Special Category Personal Data means information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health conditions, sexual life, sexual orientation, biometric or genetic data.
EFG Group means the group of companies composed of EFG International AG and its affiliates (where an “affiliate” of, or a person “affiliated” with, a person is a person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, the person specified and “control,” including the terms “controlling,” “controlled by” and “under common control with,” means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting shares, by contract, or otherwise).
2. Information and Data Security
It is our policy to protect your right to privacy. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that adequate technical and operational security measures, confidentiality obligations and compliance procedures are in place to prevent inappropriate access to, disclosure, alteration or deletion of, Personal Data.
In addition, we limit access to your Personal Data to those employees; agents and contractors who have a business need to know. Our agents and contractors will only process your Personal Data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.
3. Types of Personal Data collected
In the course of providing services to you, we may process Personal Data and Special Category Personal Data. This typically includes the following information relating to you:
(a) Information received from you, including:
- Personal contract details such as name, title, addressed, telephone numbers and personal email addresses.
- Date of birth and place of birth.
- Gender.
- Marital status, dependents (name and age) and relations.
- Copies of identification documents, such as passports and driving licenses.
- National Insurance number, social security number or other national/ tax identifier.
- Nationality, tax residence and country of residence.
- Employment details, income and source of wealth.
- Details of investments and assets owned and liabilities.
- Knowledge of and experience in investment matters.
- Personal details of any agent or attorney.
(b) Information received from third parties, including:
- Credit references.
- Publicly available information on business and personal associates and assets owned.
- Other information from third-party sources, such as wealth screening services, fraud prevention agencies, intermediaries.
(c) Information specific to our services, including:
- Account numbers.
- Balances.
- Investment holdings.
- Transaction data.
- Records of phone calls.
- Reports and statements.
- Codewords.
(d) Special Category Personal Data
In some cases (where permitted by law), special categories of personal data, such as your political opinions or affiliations, health information, racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, and, to the extent legally possible, information relating to criminal convictions or offences.
(e) Other
If relevant to the services we provide to you, information about your additional card holders or account holders, business partners (including other shareholders or beneficial owners), dependents or family members, representatives, and agents. Before providing us with this information, you should provide a copy of this notice to those individuals.
4. How we collect your Personal Data
We collect your Personal Data:
- when you seek, or are provided with, information on our services;
- when you apply for our services; and/ or
- throughout your relationship with us.
5. Sources of Personal Data
We collect your Personal Data:
- directly from you, e.g. in application forms and through information provided during the onboarding process, including background and reference checks;
- when it is provided to us by a third party, e.g. credit reference agencies, providers of enhanced due diligence reports and financial intermediaries; and
- when information is created as a result of generally providing services to you.
6. How we use Personal Data
We are a data controller which means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use Personal Data about you. We may use your Personal Data before, during and after our relationship ends with you.
(a) Legal basis for using your Personal Data
We will only use your Personal Data when the law allows us to. Most commonly and depending on the situation in which we will use your Personal Data (see paragraph b below), we will use your Personal Data in the following circumstances:
- Where we need to perform the contract we have entered into with you or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into any such contract;
- Where we need to comply with a legal obligation; and
- Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those or a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
We may also use your Personal Data in the following situations, which are likely to be rare:
- Where we need to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests);
- Where it is needed in the public interest; and
- Where you have given your consent.
(b) Situations in which we will use your Personal Data
The situations in which we will process your Personal Data are listed below.
- To confirm and verify your identity and credit status in relation to your application or account and, where applicable, conduct an appropriateness assessment.
- To open, administer and operate your account and manage our relationship with you and to provide products or services to you (including carrying out or facilitating any transactions).
- To monitor and analyze the contract for your accounts and relationship with us, to ensure compliance with our internal policies and/ or procedures and to be able to monitor risks and report them.
- To carry out business, operational and administrative activities, including record keeping and audits.
- To assess any credit limit or other credit decision (as well as the interest rate, fees and other changers to be applied to your account).
- To carry out statistical and other analysis (including behavioral analysis).
- To comply with any applicable laws and regulations and /or any voluntary code or industry best practice we reasonably decide to adopt.
- To comply with the request or requirement of any court of any relevant jurisdiction or any relevant tribunal, mediator, arbitrator, ombudsman, taxation authority or regulatory or governmental authority.
- To carry out the detection, investigation and prevention of fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, bribery, corruption, terrorist financing and other crime or malpractice and oversee and report on such detection, investigation and prevention activities.
- For use in connection with any legal proceedings or regulatory action (including prospective legal proceedings/ regulatory action) and for obtaining legal advice or for establishing, exercising or defending legal rights.
- To give you information and marketing (by post, telephone, email or other medium using the contract details you have given us) about events, products and services offered by us which we believe may be of interest to you.
(c) If you fail to provide Personal Data
If you fail to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to enter into a contract with you/ perform the contract we have entered into with you, or we may be prevented from complying with our legal obligations (such as to complete our “know your client” checks). Please note that EFG may still process any available Personal Data.
7. Recipients of your Personal Data
We (and those parties to whom Personal Data is disclosed) may disclose Personal Data when permitted by law or with your prior consent, in the situations described above:
- To any other companies which are at the time of disclosure in the EFG Group;
- To third parties who provide services to us or that act as our agents (or prospective third party service providers or prospective agents). Such service providers and/ or agents may also disclose such information to their service providers or agents. We, or the relevant member of the EFG Group, will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the service provider or agent is subject to appropriate data processing requirements and that they impose such requirements on any of their service providers or agents;
- To third parties in connection with a reorganization (including investment), amalgamation, merger or transfer or sale of all or part of our business, including to any insurers and professional advisors, and any third parties to whom we assign, transfer or charge our interest in any financial product or service provided to you;
- To any court of any relevant jurisdiction or any relevant tribunal, mediator, arbitrator, ombudsman, taxation authority or regulatory or governmental authority;
- To public authorities, regulators or governmental bodies, when required by law or regulation.
- To other financial institutions or organizations, payment recipients, clearing houses, clearing and settlement systems, stock exchanges, credit card associations etc, as the case might be;
- To any guarantor, where your account is backed by a guarantee;
- To our agents, auditors, service providers, and professional advisors (and those agents, auditors, service providers and professional advisors of other companies in the EFG Group) to enable them to process the information in the situations described above as a data processor on behalf of us and/ or as a data controller and to enable them to perform their obligations;
- To insurers and information providers; or
- Otherwise if you consent to such disclosure.
8. Overseas transfers
The Recipients referred to in section 7 above can be located outside of Luxembourg and the European Economic Area. In those cases, except where the relevant country has been determined to provide an adequate level of protection, we require such recipients to comply with appropriate measures designed to protect personal data.
9. Retention of Personal Data
We will retain Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with legal, regulatory, accounting, reporting or internal policy requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data, we consider the applicable legal requirements, as well as the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your Personal Data, the purposes for which we process your Personal Data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means.
Further information on the retention periods of Personal Data can be requested from your Private Banker and/ or the Data Protection Officer/ the Privacy Officer of the EFG Entity that supports you.
10. Your rights and duties
(a) You duty to inform us of changes
It is important that the Personal Data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if you Personal Data changes during your relationship with us.
(b) Your rights in connection with Personal Data
Under certain circumstances, and subject to applicable law, you have the right to:
- Request access to your Persona Data (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.
- Request correction of the Personal Data that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.
- Request erasure of your Personal Data. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove Personal Data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your Personal Data where you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below).
- Object to processing of your Personal Data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. You also have the right to object where we are processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes by writing to your Private Banker or using any opt-out facility specified by us in the relevant marketing communication.
- Request the restriction of processing of your Personal Data. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of Personal Data about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.
- Request the transfer of your Personal Data to another party (also known as “data portability”).
- Where we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, withdraw that consent at any time. Please also note that the withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
- In certain circumstances, request not to be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.
If you want to exercise your rights, as per above, please contact your Private Banker and/ or contact the Data Protection Officer/ the Privacy Officer of the EFG Entity that supports you by sending a letter.
The exercise of some of these rights may result in an EFG Entity no longer being able to provide a product or service to you.
Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
(c) No fee usually required
You will not have to pay a fee to access your Personal Data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with the request in such circumstances.
(d) What we may need from you
We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.
(e) Queries relating to the processing of your Personal Data
If you have a query regarding the processing of your Personal Data please contact your Private Banker and/ or the Data Protection Officer/ the Privacy Officer of the EFG Entity that supports you.
11. Changes to this Privacy Notice
We reserve the right to update this Privacy Notice at any time, and we will notify you either in writing or by updating this Privacy Notice on our website at: . We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the processing of your Personal Data.
Last update about data privacy
Dear Customer,
Aimed at always offering the best services to its clients, EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. (hereafter “the Bank”) has decided to centralize part of its infrastructure at its headquarter based in Switzerland. In accordance with article 45 of regulation (EU) 2016/679, known as GDPR, and further to the decision whereby the European Commission has recognised Switzerland as providing an adequate level of data protection as well as subsequent validation by the Luxembourgish supervisory authority of the financial sector (the ‘CSSF’), the Bank’s clients data will be stored at the headquarter with a high level of security and data segregation, including in full compliance with banking secrecy rules.
Further details on the outsourcing of this activity to our headquarter in Switzerland are available in the General Terms and Conditions governing the business relationship between the Bank and its customers.
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